Selkeä näkymä vertailtaessa hotelleja

Kuvien suuri vaikutus: Kun valitset oikean hotellin lomalle, oikealla sisällöllä on valtava rooli. Berliinissä toimiva matkailuteknologiayritys Traffic on integroinut GIATA DRIVEn sisällön järjestelmiinsä uusimmalla julkaisullaan täydentäen näin esimerkiksi CosmoNautin matkanjärjestäjän sisältöä. Tämä antaa kuluttajille mahdollisuuden saada huomattavasti enemmän kuvia ja tietoja, jotka ovat peräisin suoraan hotellinpitäjältä.

GIATA DRIVE gives them the opportunity to enter and continuously update their own content. As well as images of rooms, the complex and other areas, information on facilities and services can also be integrated. They can also list special information such as their current Covid measures. In addition to German, the content can be created in a total of 24 languages. The hotel portfolio is currently comprised of more than 32,000 establishments. The number is expected to double in the coming years.

“We will be offering consumers an extremely valuable new feature in the future with enhanced hotel images and information directly from hoteliers,” comments traffics CEO Salim Sahi. ”We are confident that this will have a noticeably positive influence on booking decisions.”

“Travel agencies rely on trustworthy and high-quality hotel information to provide sound advice,” adds GIATA Managing Director Andreas Posmeck. ”The integration of GIATA DRIVE in CosmoNaut means that the counter has access to as many hotel images for the first time as was previously only available to the very large booking portals. Thanks to this first-hand, up-to-the-minute information, agencies are able to increase the quality of their advice and minimise client complaints.”



Linda Hohnholz

Sivuston päätoimittaja eTurboNews eTN:n päämajassa.

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